"Last morning..." is how my eldest, Elise, described anything in the past. Now, she's starting kindergarten and has no use for this phrase! I want to remember this, along with all of our stories, so I'm putting it here on Last Morning's Adventures. I hope you can either relate or get a laugh. :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Miss Ella Bella

I know I made it seem like I was done talking about our road trip...but I'm not...we made one more pit stop: Chuck E Cheese in KY. My niece, Miss Ella Bella, turned 4 last week, and that is a BIG deal!
So, our final destination on Road Trip 2011 was to help Ella celebrate in a major sort of way. That's just how it is when your daughter is 13 months older than her cousin.
They have a bond that distance can't stand between.
Plus, Aunt JackJack could *never* disappoint this little girl. On the day she was born, I sort of made a deal with God that I would do anything for her if He could just make her perfect. And He did. So, I will.
Miss Ella Bella, we're so glad we could help you celebrate in style! :)
We love you!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


So, you are definitely sick of hearing from me by now, but you have to keep reading. Why? You wonder. Well, because I'm going to reveal the real reason behind Road Trip 2011: family. That's right. The reason I got into an enclosed vehicle and drove 2507 miles with a stressful husband, a question-asking 5 year old and a shrill-screaming 18 month old is all because of family---the in-law's family that is now *my* family. Bebe and Poppy grew up in the Buffalo area then moved to KY with their young family, leaving some pi$$ed off family members in their wake. Still, 33 years later, Aunt Sheila (Poppy's sister) is the angriest family member---she has never accepted the distance between NY and KY...so, we drive.
Elise on her first visit to see Aunt Shiela...
...and her fifth visit to see Aunt Sheila.

In spite of being the 3rd reason that my husband is spoiled (following only the MIL and SIL), she might be my favorite family member. Don't tell the others! I can't put my finger on it exactly, but something about being born on the 6th of May, loving The Closer, and the timing of her sarcastic comments...she is a dear, dear woman!

Although this was Elise's 5th visit to Buffalo, it was Evie's first. Miss Evelyn Grace never got to meet her namesake, unlike her older sister:
Grandma Evelyn with Elise at 5 mos

Evie did however get to meet a lot of other family members:
like Uncle Gerald (Bebe's brother)
Bebe's cousin Eleanor
of course, Aunt Sheila
and Uncle Al (Sheila's main squeeze)

To be perfectly honest, I'm not so sure that the girls got *quite* as much out of the visiting as we did. But...Eleanor does live on a farm! So, Elise got to ponder whether she wants to be a farmer or a veterinarian when she grows up:
I don't think she's decided yet...regardless, I'm sure we'll still be driving to Buffalo to visit our dear family! Love you guys! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rochester, NY

Okay, okay. So, maybe we didn't pick the *most* interesting towns to visit, but you're talking to a girl who lives in Huntsville, AL. It's not like I'm a thrill-seeker these days---plus, it takes a lot of hospitality to accommodate two little imps who destroy the grounds, keep the neighbors up all night, and drink all of the juice. So, basically, we were limited to the homes of those who *truly* love us!! One of those homes just happens to be in Rochester, NY...and Aunt Semmie runs that kind of establishment.
Semra invited us to dinner the first week we lived in Huntsville, and we've been friends ever since. Well, except for those few months when I had to get used to the idea of them moving back to Rochester---I wasn't really her friend then. But, I've gotten over it, because it's not everyday you meet someone who shares your love of sarcasm, pushiness, laughter and parties. So, I kinda had to become her friend again. You understand, right?

Elise was more than a little disappointed that our 1st destination on Road Trip 2011 didn't involve a playmate for her. So, I promised her the Almost Three Year Old in Rochester.
The coaxing turned out to be a good idea, since Little Miss Almost Three totally idolized Elise. They were really cute together and even let Evie in on the fun every now and then...
...I didn't mean to imply that Elise was excited about this, just that she didn't hit her or knock her down to get her out of the way.

Now, for Evie the main excitement was the children's museum. I do have to admit that it was a very cool museum!
I mean, the others had fun too, but come on...what 18 month old wouldn't be in heaven there?!

But...the main excitement for me on the Rochester trip was to meet Baby Ricky!!
Don't let his mama tell you that she'd give him away, because *I* know that *she* knows that he's the cutest little thing in the whole wide world! :)

And...we got Semra's cousins to babysit one night so we could go out on a double date. The boys even had fun too! :)
I miss you already, Rochester!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fort Wayne, IN

Ever been to Fort Wayne, IN? I hadn't either, until last week. Although I dissed it a little bit yesterday, it is a little jewel of a city, especially for a "young" family. I have heard not to visit in the winter, though...Its treasures include a quaint, historic downtown, an absolutely amazing zoo, and the Spinneys:
Mama & Papa Spinney were *lucky* enough to spend elementary school, high school and college days with my husband...and now their Little Precious is Evie's age.

They haven't broken the news to me yet, but I'm pretty sure Evie taught her some undesirable tricks---hopefully, not the climbing to the highest place in the room and jumping off and hopefully not the hitting or the throwing toys as hard as possible or throwing food across the room. Their little Baby Girl is their first and has not been exposed to the likes of mine...although there is one trick she learned that is good!
Too cute, right? Evie has learned from big sis to hit and then hug, only I don't think she actually hit this time! And, I'm pretty sure this is a love pat:
And *sometimes* my girls have a blast together---maybe she picked up a little of that too?? ;)
I don't know about you, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. This mama is just so sweet, nurturing, and grounded, that *I* for one don't want to mess things up for her. I mean, just look at this face.
I'm pretty sure you can tell just by looking into those eyes that she is a sweet, smart little girl who even slept (or remained silent) through the long, crying, sleepless nights!
Although we see each other on holidays in KY, it was so great to get to spend some quality time with this family. I just adored experiencing the love in their family. And, since we were quite a mess from the long drive and the sleepless nights, it was as if poor Sara had four more kids. Of course, she took it in stride, packing snacks and drinks for everyone, suggesting my eldest's favorite hot spot: the zoo, and just stuff like that...

Thanks, guys, for sharing your home, your family, and your dog!
Link, Elise says "hi"! We love and miss you guys----especially this Little Precious!