Would a rose by any other name smell just as sweet? I doubt it!
Hillsider n. /hill-sī-dr/ resident of Arnicar in Hillside Apartments at Centre College during the 1997-1998 school year. Obviously, it has come to mean so much more. Loud. Obnoxious. Annoying to those in vicinity. Six versions of the same stories told at the same time using whatever means necessary: cutting in, cutting off, more inflection, louder voices...These attributes only seem to intensify with age and separation.

The latest meeting of the Hillsiders was in Seattle last weekend. We travelled from Huntsville, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago and Durham to visit the last Hillsider to take the plunge into motherhood. Toneya:

Isn't she gorgeous?! Per tradition, we gathered at the Mother-To-Be's house, kicked the husband out and spent the weekend talking over each other and giving Toneya advice. Oh, and we also gave her a shower!

Of course, she liked my gift the best…it’s kind of embarrassing! The most amazing part of the whole shower was that Tonia’s Seattle friend actually stuck around afterward. 

She did, however, bring along a sweet little buffer to help cope with our Hillside mania.
Besides the shower and the catching up, there’s really not much else to include. Well, except, look at this! On the left, a hard core Louisville fan and on the right, a Dukie! That might be all we need to say about the game…

Last, but not least, my sarcasm can stand between what I say and what I mean. I adore these amazing women. We truly embrace our differences. We talk about the curveballs life throws our way. We support each other from afar. And, of course, we have a blast!