In case you don't have a 5-year-old, "_____ is boring!" is the worst insult known to man---or something like that. We're just into the fourth week, and I"m already getting so bored with packing lunches, ugghh! I've been reading some different tips and brainstorming and did some fun things to keep things interesting this week. I'm bored again, though.
The biggest hit was ham rolls:
The thing *I* enjoy most is using cookie cutters for fruit (as well as sandwiches on sandwich days).
Another goodie was the mini skewer for grapes...I was super-excited about the egg slices, but to no avail!
And, just a fair warning: in spite of being very fun for Elise and me, I just thought I'd warn you against sending wooden sticks with whole grapes to the Toddler Room at preschool. I'm not saying I know someone who did, and it definitely wasn't *me* who had a note sent home from the teacher---nope, nothing like that happened around here! Shoo. That would have been embarrassing! :)
I can't show Anna your pictures or she will beg for lunches that look this pretty everyday. Too cute!